“MENCAURA” EOOD is a beneficiary under Funding Agreement No. BG05SFPR002-1.004-1146-C01 “Adaptation of a safe and healthy working environment in “Mencaura” EOOD”, financed under the “Human Resources Development” Program 2021-2027, procedure BG05SFPR002-1.004 “Adapted working environment”, co-financed by the European Union.
The general goal of the project is aimed at meeting the new challenges related to the implementation of the transition to a climate neutral economy and the changing work models by improving the healthy and safe working environment at “MENCAURA” EOOD.
The total value of the project is BGN 269 881,61, of which BGN 229 399,38 (85%) European funding and 40 482,23 (15%) national funding.
Deadline for project implementation: 21.11.2024. – 21.04.2026